All the valentines!
The TechStylers February 2022 Inspirational session took place on Saturday 26th February. Our hosts for the session were Azure McFarlane and Carolina Malta. The agenda for the session was as follows.
- Welcome and Introduction
- Mary Thompson
- Close
Welcome ...
Azure started the session by welcoming members old and new and for the new attendees, explaining a bit more about TechStylers.
Founded in May 2020, TechStylers is a community comprised largely of women, focussed on supporting women in technology. We do this by providing inspiration, support and mentoring. This can be career coaching on a 1:1 basis, or in a group as part of Tech Deep Dives sessions.
We like to think we are heroes with a very special super power. And that is the ability to use our technology skills to solve real-world problems!
World Max!
The first speaker of our TechStylers February 2022 Inspirational session was the Microsoft MVP and CEO of WorldMax Mary Thompson. And Mary had come along today to share her journey to the Power Platform. As with many of our inspirational speakers, Mary’s journey had not been an easy one. She had overcome considerable challenges in her life before becoming the inspiration she is today.
Mary did not have the easiest start in life. However, she is living proof that you really can shape your own destiny. By applying herself, working hard and persevering, she has completely altered the course of her life.
I first met Mary during Mark Smiths 90 Day Mentoring Challenge. And I can honestly say, Mary was always cheerful, positive and determined. Mary really was a force of nature, throwing herself wholeheartedly into the Challenge. And following on from that, into a whole bunch of community activities.
It was not long after the challenge that Mary was deservedly awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award. This is given to those individuals who show exceptional technical or community leadership.
Mary really is an inspiration, I would very much recommend taking a look at the recording of this session on YouTube. And you can find it on the TechStylers channel.
Same time next month ...
Closing the session, Azure thanked everyone for attending and reminded attendees how to get in touch. Also, Azure reminded everyone to come along to the next TechStylers Inspirational session which would be on the 27th March 2022.