ahead in the cloud ...

guidance for people working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform to get ahead in the Cloud

Here to help ...

When I first switched career to Dynamics 365, I had a huge amount of help.  Colleagues, friends and the Dynamics Community all came to my aid.  Using resources I found online, I was also able to teach myself much of what I know about Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform.  These resources had been largely produced by the Community.  So, I would like to make sure assistance is available to other people, just like me who need a helping hand.

On this site you will find articles, blog posts and videos written and produced by me.  My intention is that these will help guide you on your journey through the world of Microsoft Business Applications.  Materials are focused on the elements of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and the Power Platform, within my own areas of expertise.

In addition, I have included articles, posts and videos on a number of other popular subjects.  These include mentoring, STEM and ‘paying it forward’.  I believe a balanced life is not all about work.  And it is good to have a reason to spend some time away from the machine!

The site has been divided into sections to cover my 3 main areas of interest;

  • Technology – D365 CE and the Power Platform
  • Events – D365 and the Power Platform Community, D365 User Groups, TechStylers
  • A Helping Hand – mentoring, TechStylers and Wentors, STEM Ambassador Programme

There is also a blog page where you will find posts related to my own travels through tech, that can hopefully give you some pointers.  But if there is anything else you would like me to help you out with, please do get in touch.  

You can subscribe to my blog by adding your email on the Bizapps Blog page, or contact me via the form on the Contact page.

get in touch

If you would like more information on anything on the site, or if you’d like any advice on how to further your career in Business Applications, please use the contact form below to drop me a line!