The June meetup started with a welcome note from Foyin, who presented our agenda for the evening, along with highlights of the May meetup. It was great to hear that at least 2 of the attendees, Foyin and Nandini Sharma had been inspired by Elaiza to start blogging as a result of her presentation in May!
Tolulope Olashile was first up, presenting her very first Power App! Tolu had taken up Dona’s 30 day challenge to #DoTheThing, and had designed and built a canvas app to record and monitor workplace attendance. The app was fully functional and included geo-location controls to ensure correct usage, very impressive for a first app!
The next speaker was Onyinye Ikenna-Emeka, who spoke about how women struggle with finding their seat at the table and owning it. Onyinye’s advice on how to overcome the obstacles to owning your seat including having a growth mindset, an ambition to succeed and pushing forward to reach goals. I particularly liked what Onyinye said about being brave, speaking diplomatically but making your voice heard and being aware of the 3 C’s; compatability, chemistry, communication ability. Ultimately, Onyinye says, we should all walk to the beat of our own drum … I couldn’t agree more.
We then had a very uplifting session from Megan Walker, who discussed her journey to the Power Platform, the Community and becoming and MVP. Her advice? Do NOT stay in your lane, if there is something that interests you, get out and do it! This was followed by the fabulous Luise Freese, who walked us through how to create an awesome app for collecting conference feedback, along the way giving some great advice on good practice for future app makers.
Wrapping up the meetup, Abby facilitated a really interesting Q&A and discussion session that was full of energy and raised some great learning points … and we met our youngest App Makers, Clara and Rochelle!
The recording of the full session can be found here